What We Do

We provide interpreting training courses for students sitting for Credentialed Community Language (CCL) or Certified Provisional Interpreting (CPI) Tests in the Vietnamese language. We also provide Certified Interpreters (CI) and Certified Provisional Interpreters (CPI) in different languages specialising in Health, Medical - Legal, Courts and Tribunals, Counselling, Employments and Disability services.

Ms. Thu is a passionate and dedicated teacher. She devotes her time, efforts and experience to help not only me, but also all of her students to successfully pass the tough CCL test. I am so blessed and overwhelmed with the outcome.
— Sunny Nguyen
Co Thu is one of my favorite teachers. She has a big influence on her students not only because she is a fun loving person but more importantly she knows how to access her students in different angles and use different strategies to help students learn and achieve. You will never get bored in her class, that I can guarantee!
— Keira Vo
Highly recommended for those who want to get CCL certificates . I have passed my exam in one go. cô Thu is a diligent trainer and she’s always gives you feedback on your work, and make you feel motivated and engaged in the lesson.
— Thanh Thanh

Speak to us today

We’re a friendly bunch and are more than happy to answer your questions.
